Sudbury Town Residents' Association Independent, Intercultural, Impartial
Sudbury Town Residents' AssociationIndependent, Intercultural, Impartial 

Sudbury in Bloom

Dates for 2024

A bit of gardening August 2024


On the 18 August 2024 a group of volunteers from STRA made a start tidying the two garden areas we are responsible either side of Sudbury and Harrow Road Station. This was a weeding session, removal of cuttings and general litter pick.

In Bloom visit. June 2024


STRA gardening team were visited by Derek Beer from RHS in bloom. Derek gave some useful davice which STRA are considering.


Derek is a Dorset Councillor for Shaftesbury, and has served his community in many roles since 1980, as chairman of our Chamber of Trade, then town councillor for many years , serving as mayor on three occasions.


In 1985 he formed Shaftesbury in Bloom, and went on to become a regional judge in 1991, and now is a trustee and ambassador for the organisation.


He does’t have a lot of horticultural knowledge, but is strong on community involvement, sustainability and volunteering.


As well as his other varied responsibilities he is also chairman of the Blackmore Vale Rail Partnership, and help scoordinate stations in bloom.


The ideas


(1) Investigate Network Rail staff volunteer days (

(2) Other organisations like us are covered by local authority insurance and therefore don't need to spend money on separate insurance.

(3) Use our gardening sessions to promote mental health wellbeing. Perhaps let memory cafes and local NHS surgeries know.

(4) If anyone in the flats have moved from somewhere that previously had gardens, they may relish the chance to garden again

(5) Encourage people who thank us for our work to join us (maybe a business card with STRA details)

(6) Encourage local businesses to sponsor a planter. We would need to clear dead plants first. They business could then plan what they want and place a plaque on the planter. We spoke with one business who are keen on the idea. Suggestion was that they could plant herbs that they could then use in the kitchen.

(7) Add wood chippings to the planters to aid moisture retention.

(8) Look into members gifting donations in their wills. This is a delicate area and obviously needs to be dealt with in a sensitive manner.

(9) recording in-kind donations such as free printing and use of halls in our accounts as evidence of matching funding.


A bit of gardening June 2023


On the 11 June 2023 a group of volunteers from STRA made a start tidying the two garden areas we are responsible either side of Sudbury and Harrow Road Station. This was a weeding session and general litter pick.

2022 STRA has organised regeneration of the Network Rail site 

STRA has organised regeneration of the Network Rail site on Harrow Road which STRA has the lease to manage. The photograph below shopws the site after the work was finished.


STRA requested that the contractors Conway who are regenerating the pavements in the area help with relaying the recycled slabs on the site STRA manages for Network Rail.  Conway agreed to help STRA.  Network Rail approved and work was completed in March 2022.

After photograph The site after the work was completed

The site before the work was started.

Free bedding plants 29 May 2021


On Saturday 29 May 2021 STRA and WCARA joined hands again to spread some colour and happiness around Sudbury Town with the gift of free bedding plants.


STRA applied for and received a grant from Brent Council Love Where You Live Grant. 


STRA wanted to develop community cohesion and bring the community together to create a sense of belonging.


It was lovely to see local residents smiling and happy receiving the free bedding plants.


STRA would like to thank all those who volunteered for Sudbury in Bloom - Blossom 2021 on Friday 28 May and Saturday 29 May 2021.  



Railway bridge plots

Next Sudbury in Bloom action day is Saturday 24 November at 10.30am

The gardening session team would appreciate any offers of help from interested members or the public. We will be working by the plots near Sudbury & Harrow Road Station. Please get in touch via telephone 07840 491142 or email with your details.


Volunteers will need to be aware of the Network Rail terms & conditions of working at these plots, have had a briefing on rail site safety, and signed to this effect. In addition there is a low risk of Weil's Disease

(Leptospirosis). Suitable gloves/protective clothing should always be worn on site.

Sudbury in Bloom activity on 30 June 2018

A recent new member of STRA was welcomed by three of the regular Sudbury in Bloom team on Saturday 30 June, to assist with the ongoing transformation work to the Barham side Railway Bridge plot. The paved area for the planters was completed in readiness for the next stage to be undertaken on the following weekend. Plants were given a good watering in the plots each side of the road and both areas left in a clean and tidy condition. A local resident waiting at the bus stop beside the plot gave some helpful advice during the work, and stood in for a photo as we neared the end of our visit.

Sudbury in Bloom activity on 23 June 2018

Sudbury in Bloom activity on 9 June 2018

Five members of the Sudbury in Bloom brigade took to the railway bridge plot by Barham Park on Saturday 9 June, to commence a makeover. Planters were temporarily removed while the ground was levelled off and overlaid with weed suppressant membrane and bedding sand. Recycled paving slabs, supplied by Conway's with agreement from Brent Council, were laid and the planters resited on top of them. Another visit was planned to complete the paved area.

Sudbury in Bloom activity on 2 June 2018

The Railway Bridge plot adjacent to Tesco was the subject of the four member Sudbury in Bloom team’s activity on Saturday 2 June. Litter was removed from the plot before the team introduced new plants, while some existing plantlife was relocated to more aesthetically appropriate positions within the plot.

Sudbury in Bloom activity on 19-20 May 2018

After the long, hard winter came to an end, the Sudbury in Bloom gardening team was finally able to get stuck into the task of rejuvenating the railway bridge plots on either side of the Harrow Road.


On Saturday 19 May, four volunteers began work on the Tesco side of the Harrow Road. This included clearing litter and debris, weeding, removing dead leaves and generally tidying up the patch.


The following day, Sunday 20 May, a six-person team set about improving the plot on the Barham Park side of the Harrow Road. This involved more of the same treatment with a thorough litter and debris clear up, as well as weeding and a general tidy up of the area in preparation for the our transformation plans.


Funding win

Congratulations to STRA member Mary Farrell who made a funding application on behalf of Sudbury Town Residents' Association to Brent Council's Love Where You Live grant programme.


The application was successful and STRA have been awarded a grant of £500 for improving open spaces either side of the Harrow Road Chiltern Railway Bridge in Sudbury, shrubs/hedging plants, small shrubs, 10 litres of Willow Cuprinol and spring bulbs.


Posted 22 September 2017


An update on progress of Sudbury Tree Planting projects. August 2017


As suggested at last STRA meeting, Councillor Daly and Martin Page (Brents Pricipal Landscape Architect) met to decide which of the Sudbury Ward streets should be first priority for planting this year. They used criteria of which were most in need of new trees and which had the longest standing requests.

So in Sudbury Ward they felt the top priorities were:


Homefield Road - Whitebeams (Sorbus intermedia 'Brouwers)

Rugby Avenue - Pink Flowering Cherries

Eton Avenue - White Flowering Cherries

Farm Avenue - Silver Birch


Note that Medway Gardens will also be planted under a separate Highways project next year.


All the other roads suggested will be looked at in detail over the summer with the aim of planting next year. Note that Brent don't have funds secured yet and will need to apply next year.


In Northwick Park Ward:

Martin aims to concentrate on Sudbury Court Drive as that road is exceptionally bleak, losing most of its trees over last few years.


We also have a special planting in Elms Lane, the Conservation Foundation has been running a project 'Great British Elm Experiment' to propagate and plant Elm trees with resistance to Dutch Elm disease.


As we hope to continue this project next year, any further suggestions for tree planting locations will be welcome, consultation remains open over the spring and summer.

Meeting with Network Rail 2017

Handover on Wednesday, 22 March 2017 of the one year lease from Network Rail.


The reason for the visit was to receive the annual safety induction to enable access to Network Rail property to maintain our plant areas. We also brought the condition of the brickwork to the attention of the Network Rail rep. 

Sudbury in Bloom


From the Grow Wild Team


Our Grow For It 2017 funding is now open for applications!

We’re looking for talented and imaginative young people aged 12 - 25 to raise awareness about the importance of UK native wild flowers and plants.


With two funding options– Transform a Space and Get Creative there's something for everyone. Young people can apply today to be in with a chance of receiving £500 to bring their projects to life!

Successful projects will be selected by a judging panel of young people, from across the UK, who have previously been involved with Grow Wild.

Applying is easy! You just need to create a short video application and send it to us. Learn more about the funding options by watching the short videos below or click here for more information on how to apply.

Not eligible for funding? Why not forward this email to a someone who is.

Stay tuned for more exciting Grow Wild announcements...


The Grow Wild Team…


At last we have official permission from Network Rail.


Mary Farrell was present this afternoon along with several STRA members and took the attached photograph.  There were two representatives from Network Rail.

STRA now has a licence to manage the land on either side of the bridge.


Please see attached suggested plans for the site opposite TESCO.  STRA Volunteers are not permitted to dig into the ground.  STRA volunteers can only use planters.


STRA Volunteers are permitted to use hand trowel and small forks on the land on the same side as TESCO, which is a steep bank.


See attached map of the land.


The plants must be:


Non poisonous

Support bees and wild life

Low maintenance


Drought resistant


Also attached is a form which must be read and signed by each volunteer and sent to Jackie.

Map of area
Map of area
Map of the area.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [303.0 KB]
Safety Briefing - Please read
Safety Briefing - Please read
Adobe Acrobat document [72.2 KB]
Safety Briefing Form
Safety Briefing Form
Adobe Acrobat document [57.4 KB]
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
NR Risk Assessment Blank S-H Road 2021.p[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [185.9 KB]
Signed Licence Please read
Signed Licence Please read
signed licence.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [175.1 KB]
Incident report
Incident report
Incident- Accident Report MASTER.docx
Microsoft Word document [33.8 KB]

The Network Rail helpline number is 03457 11 41 41. If you see anything that needs reporting please call that number

Join us!

Do you live in Sudbury? Are you passionate about improving the area? Guess what, so are we!


We've got regular meetings, plenty of social events and a burning desire to maintain everything that's great about Sudbury – and see what we can do to improve the not-so-great parts too.


Join STRA today and do as much or as little as you like.

Tel: 020 8144 5645



Get involved!

Are you good at anything? Do you have skills we might need?


Seriously, anything at all!


Whatever skills or experience you have, we could use your help. We've got lots of ongoing campaigns, projects and ideas and we would simply love it if you got involved!


To find out more about getting involved, email, with the subject heading "Get involved!", and briefly introduce yourself.


Next Meeting 

For details of the next members meeting and a write up of our AGM click here. 

Christmas Party

The 2024 Christmas party was a great sucsess.Look out for details of next years party nearer the time,.

Social Media

STRA has two Facebook Pages, one for general STRA matters and one for events. Sudbury Town also has its own Facebook page.

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