Sudbury Town Residents' Association Independent, Intercultural, Impartial
Sudbury Town Residents' AssociationIndependent, Intercultural, Impartial 


Vote YES to the Neighbourhood Plan on Thursday 10th September 2015

Help us to get the Neighbourhood Plan approved


Sudbury Town NDF

Neighbourhood Development Forum

On Monday, 27 July 2015 Brent Council's Cabinet approved for the Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Plan to progress to referendum. The referendum will take place on Thursday, 10 September 2015.


The plan has been produced by the Sudbury Town Residents' Association with involvement of the wider community. The neighbourhood plan’s overriding aim is “to create a cleaner, greener, safer Sudbury Town.” In summary, policies in the plan:



  • set design criteria for shop fronts in Sudbury town centre and for the continuation of public realm works

  • seeks to protect open spaces and allow the reuse or redevelopment of buildings within Butlers Green and Barham Park, for uses which support the function of the green space

  • sets priorities for spending Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy, including public realm improvements

  • identifies uses which will be appropriate in Sudbury town centre and support development that strengthens Vale Farm as a regional centre for sports excellence, whilst preserving open space.


Anyone living in the neighbourhood area who is registered to vote in a local election will be entitled to vote in the referendum. If the majority of those who vote in the referendum are in favour then the plan will be adopted as planning policy for Sudbury. The policies within the neighbourhood plan will then form part of Brent's Local Plan and will guide development in the neighbourhood area alongside other Development Plan policies.


If you have recently moved into the area or you are not currently registered to vote, you may complete an online application at or ask the Electoral Services office (020 8937 1372) for a paper form. The deadline to register to vote in time for the referendum is midnight on Monday 24 August 2015.


Further information and a copy of the plan is available at and on the Sudbury Town Residents' Association webpage.    


If you live in the neighbourhood area, I hope you will take this important opportunity to have your say.




The Plan is a document which will help determine planning applications in parts of the council wards of Sudbury and Northwick Park. It has been drawn up over the past three years by local people and is a result of extensive consultation and engagement. You can see the Plan on this website



It gives local residents a say in planning decisions and sets out policies which will be applied. It covers a large number of important local issues including housing, design, business, transport and green space. It also allows the local community to benefit via payments from the Community Infrastructure Levy.



The Plan was recentlyapproved by an independent examiner  - and, subject to cabinet approval, is now at its final stage: the Referendum. All those living in the area covered by the Plan get a vote. Please vote YES to the Neighbourhood Plan on 10 September 2015 (provisional date).



To offer help and to join our mailing list, please email: You can also follow us on Twitter #SudTwnNP.

Final Neighbourhood Plan
This document is the final version of the Neighbourhood plan dated July 2015.
SUDBURY_Town_Neighbourhood_Plan FINAL (r[...]
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Map of showing those eligible to vote.
Anyone living in the neighbourhood area who is registered to vote in a local election will be entitled to vote in the referendum.
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Referendum Roads
Referendum Roads
Referendum Roads.pdf
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The maps below show the locations of the polling stations.


The Neighbourhood Planning scheme was brought to our attention by one of our members who as well as most of you was disappointed at the result by the planning committee over the recent betting shop licence decision.


In conjunction with Brent Council’s planning department STRA submitted a proposal to bid for money to produce a neighbourhood plan with funding from Central Government to delivers on what we want as a community in long term.


At this stage we have set out a headline and if successful and the plan is drafted suitably it will prevent undesirable developments going forward and allow us to have better direction on proposed developments. This is a long term project for Sudbury and the plan will be Government funded.

Details of the scheme can be found here.

Sudbury Town to Pave The Way Forward

Sudbury Town Residents Association (STRA) and Brent Council this week successfully won a £20,000 bid from central Government to develop a neighbourhood plan under new proposals to devolve planning powers to local communities. The successful bid is one of only seven neighbourhood areas in London that will pilot the new scheme.


The funding will pave the way for the local residents and the business community in Sudbury Town to work collaboratively in preparing a neighbourhood plan which will set out a range of policies such as the sort of developments they wish to see come forward, the type of urban design standards they expect to see delivered for future development and even go as far to identify the green spaces they wish to see protected.


George Sabaratnam, Chairman of STRA responded to the news in winning the award:


‘STRA are delighted to win this joint bid with Brent Council. We can now set about delivering a neighbourhood plan for Sudbury Town that reflects the desires and wishes of both the residents and businesses living and working in the community. To win the funding allows the STRA to continue its efforts in placing the community in the driving seat and sets a future direction for generations to come in making our neighbourhood more responsive to our community needs.’


STRA will be the first to pilot such a scheme in Brent and has the full backing of the ward councillors. The plan-making powers is the first stepping stone ahead of Government’s proposals next year to empower local communities to grant pre-determined planning permissions for specific uses on designated sites.

STRA appointed as a Neighbourhood Forum

We are delighted to report that Sudbury Town Residents Association (STRA) has been appointed as a Neighbourhood Forum with immediate effect by London Borough of Brent. For more information on our status as a Neighbourhood Forum click here.This is an exciting opportunity for you to participate in the Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Development Plan.


More details about the neighbourhood development plans can be found here.

First meeting of the Neighbourhood Forum held

A number of residents attended a briefing on Saturday,16 March 2013 from 11 am to 3 pm at Maya Lebanese Restaurant & Lounge 763-765 Harrow Road, Sudbury, Wembley HA0 2LW. The presentaion appears below for those who were unable to attend the meeting. A selction of photographs taken at the meeting can also be found on our planning pages.



See more in the local press and on the Brent website.


Meeting presentation 16 March
The presentation form the meeting for those who were unable to attend.
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Please fill in this form to let us know your views.
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Please fill out the questionaire and bring it to one of the meetings.
Adobe Acrobat document [274.7 KB]

Neighbourhood Development Plan for Sudbury Town

STRA NEIGHBOURHOOD FORUM is leading the way in London – we are one of only a select number of areas that have been awarded funding to prepare a NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN. 
We are the first designated Neighbourhood Forum in Brent.


We had a good turnout of residents for the last meeting at Maya. Like us, other attendees were very passionate about the local area, green spaces and the High Street. We had a
mix of young professionals, some have recently moved into Sudbury. All the attendees were very excited about the prospects of the Neighbourhood Plan/Forum. It was an opportunity for us to
connect up with these passionate individuals. 


Jon had organised the session very well. We started off with the short briefing from myself and Renu about the history of STRA and moved on the Neighbourhood Forum and the underlying case for STRA's participation.


We split into four groups and had a short walkabout with the clear remit to identify potential areas for development opportunities and site identification.


All four Groups re-convened about 2:00pm and each table had a big map of our Sudbury Ward where groups wrote their views and plotted some potential development sites in the large maps. One proposition was to re-develop Vale Farm into multi-functional sports arena and some even commented on making it into a National Standard track and field club with facilities to train various indoor sports for aspiring Olympians and make these high quality facilities for local schools and residents.


We concluded the meeting about 3:30pm - solid workout.


Some significant number of residents have come forward to join STRA - Hilda could not stop handing out the membership forms. They all commented on the new-look High Street which was positive but did not fail to mention that "Paan stains" does not give a good impression of the area.

Please complete this questionnaire and bring it to one of the meetings.
Letter and Questionnaire (Neighbourhood [...]
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Champions Invitation.
We need volunteers to knock on doors in the Avenues, Watford Road and Harrow Road to ask residents and businesses about their vision for Sudbury.
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Planning Leaflet
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Neighbourhood Plan Boundary
Neighbourhood Plan Boundary
Sudbury Town NP boundary map.pdf
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The results are now in from the options report survey

The results are now in from the survey on the options report, a survey that was instrumental in us developing the neighbourhood plan. If you want to see the results and comments take a look at the documents below.


No the plan is in draft form we need to conduct another survey. We need your views on the draft plan. Please read the plan below and fill out the online survey. If you missed the exhibition on 25 January please look out for further details of further exhibitions.

Options Report
Options Report - this is a large file and may take some time to load. Please be patient.
Adobe Acrobat document [16.3 MB]
Results from our online survey.
Results from our online survey relating to the options report
STNP Survey Monkey (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [61.6 KB]
Detailed responses to the plan questionnaire.
Detailed responses to the plan questionnaire.
Detailed responses to plan questionnaire[...]
Microsoft Excel sheet [18.7 KB]

Funding News

STRA has been awarded a further £7,000 from CDF to progress the Neighbourhood Plan.  London Borough of Brent will manage the funds for STRA.

Exhibition Launched on 25 January 2014

The Neighbourhood Plan Exhibition Launch was held on 25 January 2014 at Vale Farm. The purpose of the launch was to consult on the draft neighbourhood plan, which will set out proposed policies.  The draft plan builds upon the work undertaken to date, the various consultation exercises and responses to this.  In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations (Regulation 14), the forum are obliged to consult on the draft plan before it is submitted to the Council for examination purposes.  The consultation period will last last for six weeks.


Brent Council was on hand to answer questions about the neighbourhood plan, both in general terms and its relationship with Council policy, how it will be implemented and help shape change in Sudbury Town.


The consultation period lasts six weeks and there will be further planned exhibitions. 

Vale Farm have allowed STRA to display the Boards at Vale Farm for two weeks from Saturday,  25 January 2014 – Saturday, 8 February 2014.  On Saturday 22 February 2014 the Boards will be moved to a new location at St Andrews church.

Please read the Final Draft Consultation report and then complete our survey. You may find the policy boxes precis document a useful reminder.

Display boards for those unable to visit the Exhibition.
Display boards for those unable to visit the Exhibition.
Draft Boards January 2014 lo res.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [1.4 MB]
Final Draft Consultation Report
Final Draft Consultation Report
Draft Consultation Report FINAL JAN 2014[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.9 MB]
Policy Boxes Precis
Policy Boxes Precis. The precis of the policy boxes will assist you in completing the survey.
Policy boxes precis.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [106.8 KB]
Exhibition Launch on 25 January 2014 Exhibition Launch on 25 January 2014
The cheque presented to the winner

STRA's Neighbourhood Forum Policies inching way forward

Monday 19 January 2015 was an important day in STRA's calendar. London Borough of Brent's full Council unanimously approved the submission of the neighbourhood plan for examination. This was another milestone for the Neighbourhood Forum to move forward. On behalf of STRA, George Sabaratnam, Renu Kaul, Val Gordon and Faraz Barber attended this meeting.


Our Neighbourhood Plan had the cross-party approval and we are very grateful to all those who have encouraged and supported us through this journey.


A big thank you to Brent Planning team, STRA members, executive, residents and  local businesses  for their support and participation in our events and road shows.


#SudTwnNP on twitter #neighbourhood planning

Latest on the Neighbourhood plan


Public consultation on the draft plan took place between 23 October and 3 December 2014 following which an independent examiner was appointed to review the plan. Subject to some modifications, the examiner has approved the plan which, once approval has been given by Cabinet, may now proceed to a referendum of residents living in the neighbourhood area. Cabinet is scheduled to receive a report on the plan and referendum on 27 July.


If approval is received by cabinet the referendum is likely to take place on the 10th September 2105.

Latest on the Neighbourhood plan


On Monday, 27 July 2015 Brent Council's Cabinet approved for the Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Plan to progress to referendum. The referendum will take place on Thursday, 10 September 2015.


The plan has been produced by the Sudbury Town Residents' Association with involvement of the wider community. The neighbourhood plan’s overriding aim is “to create a greener, cleaner, safer Sudbury Town.” In summary, policies in the plan:


  • set design criteria for shop fronts in Sudbury town centre and for the continuation of public realm works

  • seeks to protect open spaces and allow the reuse or redevelopment of buildings within Butlers Green and Barham Park, for uses which support the function of the green space

  • sets priorities for spending Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy, including public realm improvements

  • identifies uses which will be appropriate in Sudbury town centre and support development that strengthens Vale Farm as a regional centre for sports excellence, whilst preserving open space.


Anyone living in the neighbourhood area who is registered to vote in a local election will be entitled to vote in the referendum. If the majority of those who vote in the referendum are in favour then the plan will be adopted as planning policy for Sudbury. The policies within the neighbourhood plan will then form part of Brent's Local Plan and will guide development in the neighbourhood area alongside other Development Plan policies.


If you have recently moved into the area or you are not currently registered to vote, you may complete an online application at or ask the Electoral Services office (020 8937 1372) for a paper form. The deadline to register to vote in time for the referendum is midnight on Monday 24 August 2015.


Further information and a copy of the plan is available at and on the Sudbury Town Residents' Association webpage.    


If you live in the neighbourhood area, I hope you will take this important opportunity to have your say.

Join us!

Do you live in Sudbury? Are you passionate about improving the area? Guess what, so are we!


We've got regular meetings, plenty of social events and a burning desire to maintain everything that's great about Sudbury – and see what we can do to improve the not-so-great parts too.


Join STRA today and do as much or as little as you like.

Tel: 020 8144 5645



Get involved!

Are you good at anything? Do you have skills we might need?


Seriously, anything at all!


Whatever skills or experience you have, we could use your help. We've got lots of ongoing campaigns, projects and ideas and we would simply love it if you got involved!


To find out more about getting involved, email, with the subject heading "Get involved!", and briefly introduce yourself.


Next Meeting 

For details of the next members meeting and a write up of our AGM click here. 

Christmas Party

The 2024 Christmas party was a great sucsess.Look out for details of next years party nearer the time,.

Social Media

STRA has two Facebook Pages, one for general STRA matters and one for events. Sudbury Town also has its own Facebook page.

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© Sudbury Town Residents' Association