Sudbury Town Residents' Association Independent, Intercultural, Impartial
Sudbury Town Residents' AssociationIndependent, Intercultural, Impartial 

Meeting Details

STRA meet approximately six times a year. General Meeting dates are highlighted in green on the calendar below. The AGM is highlighted in blue. Use the navigation arrows to change month.


The next meeting is as follows;


STRA Meeting:                            25 February 2025


Time:                                             7.30 pm -  9.00 pm.


Venue:                                           LNER Club on Maybank Open Space, Maybank Avenue


The next STRA meeting is 25 February 2025. Starting at 7:30 pm with the intention to finish at 9 pm at the LNER Club.

Your attendance is extremely important so that we can come together and pool our knowledge and commitment to finding solutions for the serious issues facing our community.


Future meetings are planned for 


General meeting dates
10th June 2025
2nd September 2025
AGM meeting
25th November 2025



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The STRA AGM was held on the 12 November 2024. New officers were elected for the comming year and the financies reported.


The committe now comprises


Chair:Renu Kaul

Vice Chair: Michael Elliott

Treasurer: Alpesh Patel

Membership: Avinash Patel

Secretary Communication: Angela Tanner

Secretary Events: Katarzyna Wozniak

Secretary Fund Raising: Tejni Shah

e.Media Lead: Man Yee Fong (Mandy)


Cllr. Paul Lorber the gave a short talk on council affairs.


For more details log in to the members area - if you have forgotten the password email us on



The STRA AGM was held on the 13 September 2023. New officers were elected for the comming year and the financies reported.


The committe now comprises


Chair:Renu Kaul

Vice Chair: Michael Elliott

Treasurer: Alpesh Patel

Membership: Avinash Patel

Secretary Communication: Versha Shah

Secretary Events: Katarzyna Wozniak

Secretary Fund Raising: Tejni Shah

e.Media Lead: Man Yee Fong (Mandy)


Cllr. Paul Lorber the gave a short talk on the ongoing council plans for Barham Park (See more here.)


The meeting closed with refreshments and a chance for members to talk.


For more details log in to the members area - if you have forgotten the password email us on

May Meeting – AGM 2018


STRA held its annual general meeting on Tuesday 29th May 2018 at St Andrew’s Church. Residents and elected representatives including Barry Gardiner MP, leader of Brent Council Muhammed Butt and Sudbury’s two new councillors, Thomas Stephens and Saqib Butt, came along to hear what we’ve been up to this year.


John Carroll gave the Chairman’s Report covering everything from the Community Asset Transfer (CAT) of the Butler’s Green toilet building to what STRA is doing to make Sudbury a cleaner, greener, safer place to live and work. Sgt Zhang and PC Kouppari talked to the membership about the work Sudbury’s Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) is doing to combat crime in Sudbury and answered questions from the audience.


Mary Farrell, treasurer and leader of our Sudbury in Bloom initiative, presented the accounts and talked about how STRA has been bringing the neglected plots of land by the railway bridge to life with greenery. More plant talk came from Martin Page, Brent Council’s Principal Landscape Architect, who asked the membership how we want to spend the £20,000 funding he bid for from the Mayor of London. Martin prepared a presentation showing everyone our options and we’ll be holding another meeting soon to plan the planting in more detail. Thanks to another successful funding application Martin made to Brent Council, Sudbury and Northwick Park have been granted £70,000 which is being used to remove damaged trees and plant new ones.


It’s big news that STRA has secured the CAT of the Butler’s Green toilet building from Brent Council. We’re converting it into a community hub, legal contract to be finalised – but Mary Farrell explained that the upkeep is going to be expensive, so we’re going to have to up our fundraising game. That’s why the membership was asked to sanction STRA to apply for a licence to operate the STRA Draw, a quarterly raffle where participants can set up a standing order to pay £3 per month to be in with a chance of winning one of three prizes every three months. While 75% of the revenue for the draw will go towards STRA’s fundraising for the CAT building, the rest will go into a prize pot to be split between the three winners. First place wins 50%, second place gets 30% and the remaining 20% goes to third place. An update on how to get involved in the STRA Draw will be circulated once the legalities have been completed.


After a raffle draw, Barry Gardiner said a few words, took some questions from the floor and thanked STRA for the work it has done to improve Sudbury before John Carroll closed the meeting and everyone mingled, took photos and enjoyed refreshments. Reverend Greville Thomas invited everyone to the St Andrew’s Church summer fair between 12-3pm on Saturday 16 June 2018.


May Meeting - 2017 AGM


STRA’s seventh Annual General Meeting took place in St. Andrew’s Church on 30th May. Outgoing Chairman George Sabaratnam opened the meeting, agreed the minutes of last year’s AGM and delivered the Chairman’s Report before the annual accounts were presented and agreed. The incoming Chairman, John Carroll, was elected on the night.


Serving committee members were re-elected to their positions, with three new additions: Thandiwe Ngema will serve as Social Organiser; Satwinder Riyat is to be Committee Member ­– Administration; while Ruaidhrí Carroll became STRA’s Communication Secretary.


A secret ballot was held to fill the post of Treasurer because two members had put their names forward to fill the vacancy left by the outgoing Val Gordon. Mary Farrell was elected to the position, having previously performed a similar role at another organisation.


An amendment was made to STRA’s constitution to comply with the criteria for the renewal of STRA’s forum status, in line with the advice of officials in the Planning Department of Brent Council. The outgoing Chairman and the Secretary signed off on the amendment following ratification by a majority vote of the membership.


Priorities for 2017/18 were decided. These include: renewal of STRA’s Neighbourhood Forum status; regular distribution of a newsletter; updating the website to encourage member interaction; regular meetings to increase local business involvement; more social events; forward proposals for CIL-funded projects to the Council before the 30th July deadline.


Forthcoming events and meetings were also discussed. STRA will be conducting a litter pick in Butler’s Green between 10am-2pm on 24th June. Reverend Greville Thomas kindly invites STRA members to attend St. Andrew’s Summer Fete, also on 24th June, between 12-3pm. Paul Lorber extended an invitation for all residents to a Picnic in the Park on Sunday 9th July, to be hosted by Friends of Barham Library.


STRA meetings will be taking place on Tuesday 11th July, Tuesday 12th September and Tuesday 14th November. (Please note there will be no meeting in December.)


The Leader of Brent Council, Muhammed Butt, was in attendance, as was Sudbury Councillor Mary Daly. Cllr Butt presented outgoing Chairman George Sabaratnam with a bottle of champagne and a photo book of STRA memories in appreciation of his many years of service.


Cllr Butt also presented Maud Commins, landlady of The Swan, with a bottle of champagne and a framed certificate as an expression of gratitude for her longstanding support as a business member of STRA. While it’s sad to see Maud go, STRA wishes her the best of luck as she returns home to Ireland.

August meeting


At the August meeting residents heard a talk from Yogini Patel, Senior Regulatory Service Manager, Regulatory Services Regeneration and Environmental Services, Brent Council with discussion focussing on how resident's can oppose a licencing application.

Mary Farrell then spoke about the Sudbury in Bloom project. This was followed by a talk from John Carroll about​ planning applications in Sudbury and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

STRA meeting


At the latest STRA meeting members heard about the plans to redevelop the forecourt at Sudbury Town Station, the Sudbury in Bloom activities and progress on the High-Street Fund. It was also STRA's fifth anniversary and the photograph shows George and Renu cutting the cake.

Join us!

Do you live in Sudbury? Are you passionate about improving the area? Guess what, so are we!


We've got regular meetings, plenty of social events and a burning desire to maintain everything that's great about Sudbury – and see what we can do to improve the not-so-great parts too.


Join STRA today and do as much or as little as you like.

Tel: 020 8144 5645



Get involved!

Are you good at anything? Do you have skills we might need?


Seriously, anything at all!


Whatever skills or experience you have, we could use your help. We've got lots of ongoing campaigns, projects and ideas and we would simply love it if you got involved!


To find out more about getting involved, email, with the subject heading "Get involved!", and briefly introduce yourself.


Next Meeting 

For details of the next members meeting and a write up of our AGM click here. 

Christmas Party

The 2024 Christmas party was a great sucsess.Look out for details of next years party nearer the time,.

Social Media

STRA has two Facebook Pages, one for general STRA matters and one for events. Sudbury Town also has its own Facebook page.

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© Sudbury Town Residents' Association