Sudbury Town Residents' Association Independent, Intercultural, Impartial
Sudbury Town Residents' AssociationIndependent, Intercultural, Impartial 

A new Neighbourhood Forum

Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Forum was designated on 8 April 2024.

More information will follow including links to the forum’s website and programme of activities will be placed on BrentCouncil’s website once the forum starts in earnest. 

It replaced The Sudbury Town Residents’ Association (STRA) whose status as a Neighbourhood Forum expired in December 2022.

STRA looks forward to working with the new forum.

A New Neighbourhood Forum for Sudbury?

STRA Executive Committee met with the Sudbury Matters Executive Team on Monday 12 February 2024.  Sudbury Matters (SM), is a new group which started in November 2023.  Sudbury Matters wishes to be the next Forum for Sudbury.   

Unfortunately, Brent Council refused to renew the STRA Forum renewal application. 

During the meeting Sudbury Matters provided comprehensive information regarding their newly set up group and confirmed that SM had applied to Brent Council to become the Forum for Sudbury and a small part of Northwick Park and Wembley Central Wards for the next five years. Accordingly, Brent Council published Sudbury Matters application on 18 January 2024 for the mandatory 6-week consultation.  The closing date is Thursday, 29 February 2024.

At the meeting on Monday 12 February 2024, the Sudbury Matters Executive Team confirmed that they intend to adhere and keep to the existing Neighbourhood Plan which is approved and accepted by Brent Council.  Sudbury Matters Executive also confirmed that SM’s Constitution states that SM will protect and preserve the green space listed under the following Policies in the Neighbourhood Plan.  SM also confirmed that they will not change the following policies:

POLICY LGS1: Local Green Space
Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Plan designates Local Green Space in the following:
LGS1 Butlers Green;
LGS2 Barham Park;
LGS 3 Vale Farm;
LGS4 Maybank Open Space.
These areas will be given long-term protection 

POLICY BG1: Butlers Green
POLICY BP1: Barham Park

To view the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan, go to the Brent Council’s website and search “Neighbourhood Plans”  

Because Sudbury Matters has confirmed that they will protect and preserve all the green spaces in Sudbury, the Sudbury Town Residents’ Association (STRA) Executive Team recommends you vote for Sudbury Matters to be given the status of FORUM for the next five years.  Please complete the simple online survey:

Let us work together to make Sudbury CLEANER GREENER SAFER.

Update on Forum Status Expiring

The Sudbury Town Residents’ Association (STRA) status as a Neighbourhood Forum expired in December 2022.

Its application for forum status submitted in December 2022 was refused by the Council on 16 November 2023. Reasons for this decision can be viewed in the STRA application cabinet paper together with the formal decision notice.

Update: A delegated decision is expected on 8th January 2024, with the consultation to start around 17th January 2024.

STRA disagrees with many of the reasons stated and our response can be seen in the document below.

STRA response
STRA response to Paul Lewin
Adobe Acrobat document [290.7 KB]

In response to this document we had the following email


Email from Paul Lewin dated 19 January 2024 to the STRA Chair


Thank you, I note your comments but do not consider that they impact on the Council’s position as set out in the Cabinet report, which has also been to Scrutiny committee and deemed to be a sound decision.


The Cabinet report indicated that an independent Locality approved, experienced neighbourhood planning mediator and advisor sought to work with STRA and Sudbury Matters. This was with a view to creating a new single organisation with an appropriate constitution, capable of applying for and attaining neighbourhood forum status. We are still of the view that this is the best way forward in producing a neighbourhood forum that fulfils the function of representing all parts of the neighbourhood area. As you are aware consultation on the prospective Sudbury Town Neighbourhood Forum has begun, this application reflects the outcomes of that group’s positive engagement with Urban Vision.


The Council urges STRA to re-engage with that group in the application process so that it can be represented in and contribute to a broader forum for the area.




Paul Lewin


Team Leader Planning Policy


Communities & Regeneration Brent Council 

The STRA response to this email was


Dave Chetwyn (Mediator and Advisor) was approved and appointed by Brent Council.  Dave Chetwyn set up a meeting at the Civic Centre with STRA Executive Committee and Sudbury Matters.


STRA Executive Team attended only one meeting at the Civic Centre with Dave Chetwyn, Mediator and Sudbury Matters in July 2023.  Council Officer Ciara Whelehan was in attendance and was taking minutes of the meeting.  The minutes of that meeting was not shared with STRA.  STRA requested the minutes many many times, but till date STRA have not received a copy of the minutes.   Questions were raised at that meeting but were never addressed.  Minutes of a meeting is a MUST as this brings clarity, transparency, accuracy and a record which can be referred to in the future.


STRA Executive are surprised at the assumption by the Cabinet and the Scrutiny Committee that STRA does not represent all parts of Sudbury.  But the Cabinet and the Scrutiny Committee believe that Sudbury Matters represent the wider and diverse community in Sudbury.  Where is the evidence to support this assumption?


STRA was established in 2011.  In 2012 STRA was given Forum Status and renewed in 2017.  STRA is known throughout the Borough of Brent and has worked with council officers in harmony since 2011 – almost 12 years.  


The first time STRA was made aware of Sudbury Matters was February 2023.  STRA was then advised by Brent Council that there was a second contender for Forum Status in Sudbury.


Has Sudbury Matters had an AGM?  If so, when?  Why was STRA not invited to the AGM?  STRA is being constantly told by Brent Council that STRA is not inclusive enough and does not represent the community!!   It does not seem that Sudbury Matters represent the wider diverse community either.  STRA EC and the wider membership are questioning the validity of these actions.


STRA has always knocked on doors and communicated constantly with the diverse community.  Where is the evidence that Sudbury Matters has also reached out to the diverse community.


Neighbourhood Forum Status renewal


STRA was granted legal planning rights as Forum in 2012. STRA Forum has been the voice of the residents and businesses for 10 years and we have applied to the Council to renew. If STRA's Forum status is not renewed the VOICE of the community will be silenced. Forum status provides the community with a legal voice to preserve our green spaces, to voice our concerns with the building of high rises, to improve transport in the area, to speak collectively for the community when confronted with issues that are detrimental to the area or controversial …… Sudbury in Bloom, Litter picking, Paan spitting, Antisocial behaviour, Street drinking, saving the Sudbury Town Car Park and more …..


The VOICE of the FORUM is More powerful than the individual
Make your voice heard  by completing the survey below.


Click here to do the survey (link at top of page that opens) or print out the PDF below and fill in by hand.

STRA Forum Renewal
STRA Forum Renewal form to print out and return
Adobe Acrobat document [627.0 KB]

STRA's Neighbourhood Forum Status Renewed

In December 2017, Brent Council secured the voice of Sudbury for another five years as it approved our application to renew STRA's Neighbourhood Forum status. During the six-week consultation period, 98 responses were received, while we are delighted to report that there were no objections to STRA's designation.


Everyone at STRA is looking forward to another five years working hard to deliver a cleaner, greener, safer Sudbury that we can all be proud of.


Read the Sudbury Neighbourhood Forum designation report published by Brent Council.

STRA's Neighbourhood Forum Status up for Renewal

Consultation regarding application to renew designation of Sudbury Neighbourhood Forum


The Sudbury Neighbourhood Forum was first designated in December 2012, and was one of the first in London to take forward a neighbourhood plan. Neighbourhood Forum designations expire after a five year period. As such, Brent Council has received an application to renew the status of the Sudbury Neighbourhood Forum and is inviting representations from residents and other interested stakeholders.


Please note, If a designation is made for a neighbourhood forum, no other organisation or body may be designated as a forum for that neighbourhood area until that designation expires or is withdrawn.


To view the application, a map showing the proposed area boundary and for further information, please go to:


All responses must be submitted by 28 November 2017 through the online comment form, by email to or by post to: Policy and Projects team, Brent Civic Centre, Engineer’s Way, Wembley, HA9 0FJ.

2012 – A Big Year for STRA


We are delighted to report that Sudbury Town Residents Association (STRA) has been appointed as a Neighbourhood Forum by London Borough of Brent.


STRA has taken up the challenge of the Localism Bill (2011) concept of a Neighbourhood Plan. This is the idea of a bottom-up approach to planning for the future of an area that is led by its community. We as a community have been given a real opportunity to develop plans and shape ideas for the town we live in.


”What is a Neighbourhood Plan and what are the benefits of having one?


The purpose of Neighbourhood Planning is to give local people greater ownership of the plans and policies that affect their local area. We are being given the opportunity to take a proactive role in shaping the future of our area in which we live. The plan will be a framework for change in our area for the next ten years.

The Neighbourhood Planning will help communities to play a greater role in finding creative and imaginative ways to overcome the pressures that development can create for conservation and local services and amenities. It could also help ensure that development is in line with local needs, provides greater public amenity and more certainty for developers.” Colin Buchanan, Neighbourhood Planning.


STRA will shortly be holding a consultation exhibition on the Issues and Options relating to Sudbury Town. On the day more information on the suggested plans for Sudbury Town will be on displayed. The date and time for the exhibition will shortly be published here on our site so do visit us again soon. But in the meantime time here is an opportunity in advance of exhibition to see the  prepared Issues and Options report and after reading and digesting the information please use the leaflet below to share your thoughts. They will be collated and provided as part of the consultation.


For more background see here.


Join us!

Do you live in Sudbury? Are you passionate about improving the area? Guess what, so are we!


We've got regular meetings, plenty of social events and a burning desire to maintain everything that's great about Sudbury – and see what we can do to improve the not-so-great parts too.


Join STRA today and do as much or as little as you like.

Tel: 020 8144 5645



Get involved!

Are you good at anything? Do you have skills we might need?


Seriously, anything at all!


Whatever skills or experience you have, we could use your help. We've got lots of ongoing campaigns, projects and ideas and we would simply love it if you got involved!


To find out more about getting involved, email, with the subject heading "Get involved!", and briefly introduce yourself.


Next Meeting 

For details of the next members meeting and a write up of our AGM click here. 

Christmas Party

The 2024 Christmas party was a great sucsess.Look out for details of next years party nearer the time,.

Social Media

STRA has two Facebook Pages, one for general STRA matters and one for events. Sudbury Town also has its own Facebook page.

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