Sudbury Town Residents' Association Independent, Intercultural, Impartial
Sudbury Town Residents' AssociationIndependent, Intercultural, Impartial 

High Street Fund 2015

Small businesses and community groups on London’s high streets are set to receive a share of up to £9 million of funding from the Mayor of London to help revitalise and potentially reinvent the way we use our high streets.

In an innovative move the Mayor has allocated a portion of the funding through crowdfunding website Spacehive, where community groups are able to post their ideas and ask for financial support.


It is the first time the Mayor of a major European city has used a civic crowdfunding website to directly pledge money for community projects. 83 groups submitted ideas and the Mayor will be pledging up to £20,000 each to 17 of these projects.


STRA has been succesful in receiving one of these high street funds.



The GLA criteria were that the funds must be spent on making a visual improvement to the High Street. The areas that were approved by the GLA are as follows:


Drop Down Banners in the High Street


Shop Signs

There will be a large overhead sign with a small drop down sign on the side similar to the signage displayed in Pinner. Three shops were identified that needed upgrading Sudbury Fruit and Vegetable,Sudbury Halal Butchers

V & S Motors



Two artists from ACAVA have been appointed to paint murals at the following sites:

Joanne Roberts will paint scenes from Barham Park on canvas for the two sides of Panesar Food and Wine (rain and stain proof and perspex on both sides)

Shirine Osseiran will paint a scene from Barham Park on the wall alongside Flames / The Swan

Shirine Osseiran will also paint on the glass windows of Hamptons - the design is still a work in progress and done in accordance with the wishes of the owner of Hamptons.


Sensor Lights

Four sensor LED lights are being installed on the side wall of Hamptons

One sensor LED light will be installed at the rear of Hamptons


A1 Sign

An A1 sign will be installed on the side wall of Hamptons for display of events etc. A second A1 sign will be placed at the street gate of the Sudbury Methodist Church for use by SNC.


Wheelchair access

Wheelchair access will be installed at:




Sudbury Fest

A celebration of music, food and art is being planned with Sudbury Neighbourhood Centre on Saturday 19 March from 12 o’clock to 5 pm. Sudbury Court Residents’ Association (SCRA) and

Sudbury Elms Resident Association (SERA) are also helping and participating.


Sudbury in Bloom

The cost of design, planters, plants, compost, labour is being funded by the High Street Fund.


Join us!

Do you live in Sudbury? Are you passionate about improving the area? Guess what, so are we!


We've got regular meetings, plenty of social events and a burning desire to maintain everything that's great about Sudbury – and see what we can do to improve the not-so-great parts too.


Join STRA today and do as much or as little as you like.

Tel: 020 8144 5645



Get involved!

Are you good at anything? Do you have skills we might need?


Seriously, anything at all!


Whatever skills or experience you have, we could use your help. We've got lots of ongoing campaigns, projects and ideas and we would simply love it if you got involved!


To find out more about getting involved, email, with the subject heading "Get involved!", and briefly introduce yourself.


Next Meeting 

For details of the next members meeting and a write up of our AGM click here. 

Christmas Party

The 2024 Christmas party was a great sucsess.Look out for details of next years party nearer the time,.

Social Media

STRA has two Facebook Pages, one for general STRA matters and one for events. Sudbury Town also has its own Facebook page.

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