Sudbury Town Residents' Association Independent, Intercultural, Impartial
Sudbury Town Residents' AssociationIndependent, Intercultural, Impartial 



Brent Dolphins Swimming Club


Using the pool facilities at Vale Farm and Willesden Sports Centres in the London Borough of Brent, Brent Dolphins offer a fun and friendly environment for all - Beginners from the age of 5 years old right through to Masters.  Brent Dolphins are the Borough’s only competitive swimming club and have trained swimmers to National level. 


The website for Brent Dolphins can be found here.

Ju Go Ken

Ju Go Ken Abbey Dojo


All ages welcome to learn martial art for self defence, health and fitness. Tues. 8 pm at Church of the Ascension, The Avenue HA9 9QL. Fri 7.30 pm at Church of Annunciation, 194 Windermere Avenue HA9 8QT. Call Ronald 07974 356 945


Wembley Cricket Club
Young and aspiring talent has often come through the ranks of Wembley CC. John Price and Phillip DeFreitas both played for Wembley before going on to represent England, Devang Gandhi likewise for India, and you could be next! If you're a young and aspiring talent, Wembley offers Middlesex League cricket and a chance for your skills to flourish.

On the other hand, if you just want the chance to see how far your brand of cricket can take you, they have five Saturday elevens, two on Sunday and a midweek team to suit all abilities. A great social atmosphere is all part of the deal (and at great bar prices too!).

 They also have a thriving Junior section for boys and girls age 6 to 17.


The website for Wembley Cricket Club can be found here.

American Football

Wembley Stallions American Football Club


Train and play american football Thurs 7-9 pm and Sun 10 am - 1 pm. at Vale Farm Sports Centre, Watford Road, Wembley HA0 3HG. Try for free (three sessions). Begineers welcome. Youth 16-18. Adult 18+. Stallionsfootball@outlook,com

Boxing clever

Ward working is supporting a joint scheme - with Wembley Crime Prevention Panel and the Safer Neighbourhood s Team - to provide boxing sessions every Monday Thursday and Saturday for 13 to 19 year olds at the Wembley Youth Club in London Road.


Contact Junior on 020 8937 3683 or email

Aikido Classes

Akido classes are offered on Wednesdays between 8 and 10 pm at At. Andrews Church Scout Hut.Church Gardens, Harrow Road, Sudbury. Contact Steve on 07775 588 343

Judo Club at Vale Farm Sports Centre

Pride Judo Club. Juniours 5 to 12 years, Mon/Weds 5pm to 630 pm, £3.50 per session. Seniors; 13 yrs and above, Weds 6:30-8pm, £4.50 per session. Contact Lionel 07985 336 181

SWAY Youth Service

The Sudbury, Wembley and Alperton Youth Project (SWAY)


SWAY is a charity set up by 7 churches in Brent to develop their work among young people.  It runs various activities including football clubs during the school holidays, as well as youth clubs for young people during term time– these are non denominational and open to any young person in the local area.  In addition SWAY offers the chance for young people to explore Christian teaching and worship and assists in providing training for volunteer youth workers in the member churches.  Please contact Samantha on 07904 167 586 or




TNG club for 7-11 year olds meets on Tuesdays in the Scout Hut at St Andrews Church, 4-5.30 pm. Please tell friends and neighbours with primary school aged children. See you there. Contact Annie on 07782 438591.


JAM youth club

JAM Youth Club, Friday evenings, 7 pm to 9.45 pm, term time.  Sudbury Methodist Church Hall.  Ages 11-18.  For further details please call JAM Administrator – 07930 013221.

Homework Clubs

Homework clubs are for children in Brent aged 8 to 14 years. They are free and you don't need to book.


Ealing Road Libraryu Saturdays 10.30 am - 12.30 pm.

Youth Club

The recently opened Tokyngton Youth Club is offering young people more activities to do after school. Based at Planet Zero, Wembley Retail Park, Engineers Way, Wembley, it offers activities such as street dance, pool, table football and board games.


Opening times


Tuesday 6 to 8 pm for youngsters 9 to 14

Fridays 6 to 8 pm for those aged 15 to 19.


email or telephone 07916 286 342

Chance of a lifetime for youth

Brent is now recruiting for participants and volunteers to take part in this years London Youth Games.


For more information call 020 8937 3707 or visit

We are sailing!

The Welsh Harp Reservoir is a hive of activity for yachties, windsurfers and other nautical types and is easily accesible from Sudbury using the 245 and 182 busses.


To find out more about sailing on the Welsh Harp contact BTYC Sailsports


Sudbury Court Running


Their address is Wembley & Sudbury Lawn Tennis & Squash Club, Sylvester Road, Wembley


Saturday Night Football at Vale Farm Sports Centre.


GKR Karate provide Karate lessons in the Sudbury area. Please call them on 07877 395 850 for more details about venues and times.


  • Build confidence
  • Improve fitness
  • Gain self discipline
  • Learn sef defence
  • Increase focus
GKR Leaflet page 2
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GKR Leaflet page 1
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Join us!

Do you live in Sudbury? Are you passionate about improving the area? Guess what, so are we!


We've got regular meetings, plenty of social events and a burning desire to maintain everything that's great about Sudbury – and see what we can do to improve the not-so-great parts too.


Join STRA today and do as much or as little as you like.

Tel: 020 8144 5645



Get involved!

Are you good at anything? Do you have skills we might need?


Seriously, anything at all!


Whatever skills or experience you have, we could use your help. We've got lots of ongoing campaigns, projects and ideas and we would simply love it if you got involved!


To find out more about getting involved, email, with the subject heading "Get involved!", and briefly introduce yourself.


Next Meeting 

For details of the next members meeting and a write up of our AGM click here. 

Christmas Party

The 2024 Christmas party was a great sucsess.Look out for details of next years party nearer the time,.

Social Media

STRA has two Facebook Pages, one for general STRA matters and one for events. Sudbury Town also has its own Facebook page.

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© Sudbury Town Residents' Association