Committee members

The Honorary Officers

Renu Kaul    


The chair- person of STRA. 

Michael Elliot

Vice Chair

STRA's deputy chairperson 

Versha Shah

Secretary Communications

STRA's secretary

Alpesh Patel


STRA's treasurer.

STRA Executive Committee 2023 / 2024


Executive Committee Members



       Renu Kaul


    Vice Chair

       Michael Elliot




       Alpesh Patel


    Secretary Communications

      Versha Shah



     Secretary Events

       Katarzyna Wozniak



      Secretary Funding

       Tejni Shah


     Membership Secretary

       Avinash Patel    



     e.Media Lead

       Man Yee Fong (Mandy)




Other Committee Members



       David Flack



Assistant to the Chair

       Mahendra Negi



Subcommittees are formed as needed. There are currently no subcommittees.

Join us!

Do you live in Sudbury? Are you passionate about improving the area? Guess what, so are we!


We've got regular meetings, plenty of social events and a burning desire to maintain everything that's great about Sudbury – and see what we can do to improve the not-so-great parts too.


Join STRA today and do as much or as little as you like.

Tel: 020 8144 5645



Get involved!

Are you good at anything? Do you have skills we might need?


Seriously, anything at all!


Whatever skills or experience you have, we could use your help. We've got lots of ongoing campaigns, projects and ideas and we would simply love it if you got involved!


To find out more about getting involved, email, with the subject heading "Get involved!", and briefly introduce yourself.


Next Meeting 

For details of the next members meeting and a write up of our AGM click here. 

Christmas Party

The 2023 Christmas party was a great sussess.The date of the next Christmas Party will be announced soon.

Social Media

STRA has two Facebook Pages, one for general STRA matters and one for events. Sudbury Town also has its own Facebook page.